Grangers Tent + Gear Repel UV Spray
Waterproofing treatment designed to protect tents & equipment
Secured with 256bit encryption
Australia Wide Delivery
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Waterproofing treatment designed to protect tents & equipment
Secured with 256bit encryption
Australia Wide Delivery
See our returns policy for more info
Grangers Tent + Gear Repel is a spray-on waterproofing treatment designed to protect all outdoor gear and equipment from rain and stains. Over time, and with use, even the best outdoor gear will begin to lose its ability to repel water. This is because dirt, dust, and other impurities, as well as general wear, will remove any water-repellent finish your gear may have been treated with. Cleaning your gear can help, but eventually it will need reproofing with a water-repellent product. Tent + Gear Repel spray restores the water-repellent finish and helps to protect against stains, ensuring that you are protected in any conditions and prolonging the lifetime of your gear.
Tent Aftercare
Looking after your tent – why is it important?
Sea to Summit believes outdoor gear should be reliable, functional, and made to last but even the best made gear will have a shorter lifespan if not properly taken care of. Dirt, sand or even mold from your garage can wear away elements of your tent such as zippers and coatings, which compromises the tents’ ability to repel water and perform at its best. However, conventional detergents can affect the waterproof coating or finish of the fabric, so it is important to use products specifically formulated for outdoor gear.
Your tent is an investment so keeping your tent clean will allow it to work at its maximum performance and prolonging the lifetime of your gear.